error 036 make me crazy

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  • #30020
    Marjan Nikolovski

      I don’t what else to do, solder every earth connection, put new wire,s to sensor check voltage everywhere ,chack every resistance , early I have change o2 sensor several time’s, even I put distancer for sensor, I do everything what people in this site tell, only maybe catalyst or ecu, maybe new flash , same friends make a joke to sell lacetti and no more problems, But car is very good 2010year, only 40000 km almost new. Can somebody send to me flash for ecu and will I have problems with immobileser , please give opinion to me. Thanks to members of this forum



        There’s the link to post, how you can try to solve the problem —

        I think you can make translation, and you can ask any time in this theme. People tell there is no increased fuel consumption or any other visible problems with it

        Marjan Nikolovski

          thank you friend,


            Good luck!

            Marjan Nikolovski

              It is not problem The circuit, yesterday I have analysis the problem so this is happening: at start engine up sensor is going  98% heating and for 2 second hi start from 0,4 to0,7 to0,2 voltage, at same time down sensor heating oscillating from 40 to 98% several times but voltage of sensor is not switching from 0,7 to 0,1 for about 2 minutes  hi is floating and ecu  is full time at 98 % and error 036 Is generate. Down sensor is good condition I have changed several times, for  checking I have put him in before catalyst hi works fast,

              Same thing is cooling my down sensor I don’t know what is it.


                Your  catalyst is working? I’m out of catalyst, first (up) sensor disabled, EGR disabled too, second sensor actually reliable enough. I have flashed to EURO2 and have no problem, only when I wash the engine and wet the connectors )))

                I’m not deal with voltages, didn’t get in it so deep, so can’t say….  May be your catalyst is out of order?…

                Marjan Nikolovski

                  Yes for shure catalyst is not working ,so how can I flash to euro 2 Wich software do I need I can somebody give me flash and give me explanation How to do that


                    It’s not so easy, you must have specific equipment and software, and flash file, and understanding what to do )))

                    I went to electrician, he made dump of my original flash, send it to programmist, and then flash the new file to my Lach

                    Marjan Nikolovski

                      Friend of course that I need software and interface , but from experience when somebody put new flash it will have extra problems: air-conditioning, immobileser, Key will not working, after some time passed car will not work fine,

                      On that post some gay put bulb lamp to wire of heater : that is not working because ecu reed temperature of catalyst from heating element resistance (ptc resistor is oxigen sensor)


                        About extra problems — specialist must do the flash, I have no problem with it. About immobiliser — I think it flashed in other hard block (between front seats). About bulb lamp to heater — I’m not try it, can’t say. I just suggest, you need to decide…

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