Abs and brake pump problem

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  • #30969
    Marjan Nikolovski

      Hello everyone I have problem with brake, after breaking if abs start working next time when I press the brakes foot get lower and need several times to press the brakes and foot get up , as time goes it needs more and more time s to press break usually now is more than 20 times ,so what is problem , thank you in advance.


        Inspect the brake lines and calipers for leaks (there should be no leakage of brake fluid), it is also possible that the brake master cylinder needs to be replaced.

        Marjan Nikolovski

          I solve the problem , it was lock of brake liquid


            ? is it possible in more detail?

            Marjan Nikolovski

              When I press the brakes ,if abs start working after the pedal brake goes down more , I suspect in many problem but at end brake fluid reservoir was empty, I just put liquid an now everything is ok maybe in shortly will need to change brake pads (shoes)


                If your brake fluid reservoir is empty, there is «air» in the system. It is necessary to bleed the system after changing the brake pads. This is best done with a helper. One presses the pedal several times and continues to press without releasing, and the second at this time opens the bleed nipple on the brake support, as the pressure drops, close the nipple and then pump the brake pedal again.It is necessary to pump over strictly cross to cross. the system is made in such a way that the right rear wheel works in parallel with the front left wheel. There is also one unpleasant feature in the form of a tee with valves (from where all the tubes diverge) in this tee there are valves that wear out and interfere with pumping the system using a pedal, for good pumping with sticking valves it is possible only on special equipment.

                since we basically do everything ourselves, and the tools and equipment are basically either we make ourselves or buy cheap analogs. In general, if you need to pump the system alone and in almost the same way as it is done on special equipment, then you can simply buy a huge plastic syringe (200 ml) to pour in the brake fluid there, put a tight tube on the fitting, open the fitting and force the brake fluid in about 75 ml WITHOUT STOPPING. and without stopping to press, close the fitting. If everything is in order with the valves, then it will be pumped in 1 time (on each side). If not, then change this tee to a new one. GM 96349945

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